
  • Sunday Worship

    Join us Sunday evenings as we desire to have an authentic time of worship as we lift up the name of Jesus! We are excited to encounter Jesus together through worship songs, prophetic words and a teaching from the Word of God. Kingdom Kids will be available during the teaching time, so bring the whole family and encounter the presence of God together. Free supper is served at 5:30 with the worship service starting at 6.

  • AC3 - Anchor City Connect

    Anchor City Church Connect (AC3) offers a wonderful chance to spend quality time together, both as a church family and with others from our daily lives. We gather at 5:30 PM at various homes across HRM, share a meal, and enjoy fellowship and fun. The evening concludes with a time of singing a few Christian songs and a brief introduction to who Jesus is. Please come and feel free to invite others to join us for all or any part of the evening!

  • ACE - Anchor City Equip

    To truly understand Jesus and follow His will, we seek to know His word, apply it effectively in our lives, and teach it skillfully to others. Anchor City Equip (ACE) offers a systematized approach to exploring various aspects of His word through focused modules. These modules include Foundations of Faith, Biblical Leadership, and Deeper Theology.

  • Prayer Connect

    Prayer Connect is a dedicated time for our church community to connect with Jesus through prayer and worship. In prayer, we align our hearts with His and seek His face in what to pray for. We believe that prayer is essential within the church, transforming our hearts, shaping history, and establishing God's Kingdom on earth. We invite you to join us at our weekly Prayer Connect. Wednesday from 7-8 PM or Friday from 10-11 AM, as noted on the church calendar!

  • Men's Connect

    Jesus has given men a vital role within the church and His Kingdom. Men's Connect is a time to reflect on this calling, understand the unique purpose God has for us as men, and learn to live fully in what He has planned as we follow Christ. Join us at Cora’s Restaurant (1475 Bedford Hwy, Bedford) once a month on Thursday morning from 6:30 to 8 AM for meaningful teaching, fellowship, and a delicious breakfast!

  • Women's Connect

    We believe it's important for women to come together. Our goal is to be women of faith who are equipped to receive God’s word and share His word in our lives and the lives of our families. We aim to encourage each other, deepen our faith through Jesus’ word, and support one another through prayer. We gather once a month on Tuesdays. Please check our Calendar for specific dates and locations!

  • Music Ministry Connect

    Music is a gift from the Lord to connect with Him, express our hearts through worship, and share His good news with others! If you're interested in learning both the technical and spiritual aspects of music ministry and want the opportunity to practice either with an instrument or vocally, join our monthly Music Ministry Connect. Bring any instrument or equipment and come practice with us! All experience levels are welcome. We meet once a month on a Wednesday from 7-9pm.

  • ACC Youth

    Jesus has incredible plans and is doing amazing things with this generation of youth! At Anchor City Church, we’re blessed to celebrate youth. ACC Youth hosts various events throughout the month on Saturday evenings, offering both fun activities and opportunities to connect with Jesus on a deeper level. For specific dates and details, please check our Calendar. Join us as we celebrate the abundant life Jesus has in store for our youth!

  • Running Connect

    We believe Jesus invites us to live abundantly in every aspect of life, including our physical health. To embrace this, we launch Running Connect each spring—a ten-week program to train for the Blue Nose Marathon, where many of us participate in either the 5K or 10K race. We meet on Saturday mornings at 9 AM at Kinsac Park in Lower Sackville. Whether you're running to prepare for the race or walking the trail to enjoy fitness and community, we welcome you to join us!

  • Kingdom Kids

    Children are very welcome and cherished at Anchor City Church! We have an amazing Kingdom Kids Program during our Sunday Service. Kingdom Kids provides an amazing, clean and safe environment for children ages 4-12 to learn just how much they are loved by Jesus! There are lots of things for the kids to be excited about, including games and engaging teaching times!

  • Local Equips

    The Lord has provided gifts, as outlined in Ephesians 4:11, to equip His church for works of service. At Anchor City Church, we seek to embrace these gifts to be fully prepared for service. In partnership with NCMI, a team of Ephesians 4:11 gifted men and women, we invite these team members throughout the year to minister into our church. This is a vital part of being fully resourced by Jesus as we step into the fullness of our inheritance in Him!

  • National Equips

    The Lord has given gifts, as described in Ephesians 4:11, to equip His church for service. At Anchor City Church, we embrace these gifts to be fully equipped for ministry. NCMI hosts national and international equips throughout the year, where different team members come together to minister to the broader church in that region. We encourage everyone to attend these equips so that, together, we can walk in the fullness of the inheritance the Lord has for us!