Who We Are

We Celebrate Life and Freedom Through Jesus Christ! He is the Anchor who keeps us secure

At Anchor City Church, our goal is to encounter Jesus. Along the journey, we enjoy life together as family and friends—worshiping, sharing meals, praying, and celebrating together (Acts 2.42)!

We seek to be transformed by Jesus as we follow Him daily (2 Cor. 3.18). We long to experience Jesus personally through worship, His Word, and the Holy Spirit making Him real to us. We also desire to see the gifts of the Spirit and fruit of the Spirit released in our lives, empowering us to live victoriously through Jesus (Acts 1.8).

As followers of Jesus, we hold His Word, the Bible, in the highest regard, seeking to make it the foundation for our lives, our church, and our understanding of who Jesus is (2 Tim. 3.16).